Monday 4 April 2011

Nix Fashion Shoot!

I was first introduced to Nix when my neice Rianna got engaged to her brother Nigel (they have subsequently married!). Nix was engaging, funny & was very honest & the one thing you couldn't ignore was her blue hair that she had at the time!! She certainly stood out from the crowd & we got on well.

I have been wanting to do more personal projects for a while - challenge my creative abilities without the worry of the demands/expectations of a fee paying client. I also wanted to create some fresh fashion portraits for the studio. Seeing Nix's many wallposts & self portraits on Facebook, I knew Nix wasn't camera shy & in fact quite the opposite! She was the perfect choice for me - the hardest thing with both our busy schedules was getting Nix into the studio!

After many chats & texts, we agreed on what we were aiming for, but keeping it flexible. I had also shopped for backgrounds & body gems etc, to create certain looks.

The day finally arrived last Thursday & with the help of Michelle, Zoe from Zen Hair in Thame & Jo who was at the studio on work experience, we created the following images. It was great for Nix to have her sister Nat here too & it was a great studio session with input from everyone.

Nix was very photogenic as I think you will agree. The only downside was there just wasn't enough time in the day to get all the shots done we wanted, so we'll have to bring her back to the studio again.

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